Keith Boger, founder of WasteWater Technology Trainers (WWTT), offered a class on anaerobic digestion. We finally got around to updating Keith’s material and, last week, we had our first class […]
M∙mg/L: used to cancel mg, L and M (in Mgal) in pounds and pounds/day calculations Mgal/106 gal: used to insert M into the pounds and pounds/day calculations when volume or […]
I am sitting here between my grapefruit tree and new raised-bed garden, built this spring and filled with compost I made, now teaming with tomatoes, fava beans, and corn all […]
Keith Boger founded WasteWater Technology Trainers (WWTT). Keith originally worked as a chemist for the City of San Diego and then as the Director for the State of California’s Water […]
As operators, we consider ourselves professionals, as well we should. Although a slight exaggeration, I believe a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operator protects more lives in a day than a […]