The Best Exam Prep Money Can Buy!
(CLICK HERE and read what our students are saying!)
BEGIN STUDY NOW! All courses are available for purchase year-round. Study at your own pace. Watch the videos for six months, as many times as you need to. Be prepared for your exam!
LIVE ZOOM SESSIONS: Once or twice a year, WWTT schedules Live Zoom courses for each grade. All live Zoom sessions are recorded and added to the album of study videos, so you don’t need to attend live to get all the material you need to pass your exam.
CEUs: At this time, we can only offer CEUs for Live Zoom or in-person classroom training. We are working on a new website with a learning management system, which we hope to have in place soon. Once it’s in place, you will be able to receive CEU credit upon completion of WWTT’s online pre-recorded video lessons and courses without having to attend any live classes.
Your course includes the following:
- A link and password to the album of study videos, emailed to you within 24 hours of your enrollment
- A hard-copy in-depth manual, mailed to you via USPS Priority and should arrive within 5 – 7 working days
If you are already enrolled in our online training and have NOT YET ATTENDED one of our Live Zoom courses, you may attend at no further cost. Keep an eye on the website, or sign up on the homepage for our occasional newsletter to find out when the next live sessions will be held. It’s a great way to earn CEUs if you need them. Once the class has been scheduled, EMAIL US to have your name added to the roster.
CLICK HERE for details about what is covered in this course.
The State is now offering computer-based exams year-round. CLICK HERE for more details.
We are thrilled to announce two live classes coming this spring!
Click on a class below to learn more and enroll:
Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment
Grade III Operator Certification and Math Review